Interoperable Communication
The Stico Interoperable RF Antenna
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Washington, D.C. Communications Plan
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Strategic Alliance Announced ChroniclesLeave a Reply
Blue Mold Filter Seen in my Lab Photos
An inquisitive person asked me about the blue filter in one of my lab photos. They wanted to know what it was used for.
Well, years ago, I designed it to test for mold in apartments, homes, and businesses, but because I was working on so many projects, I didn’t follow through on it.
Several years ago, a friend asked me if I could check for mold in his home, because I have a background in chemistry, and something was making his family sick. I didn’t notice anything when I walked into his home and told him that I was not a professional. So, he spent thousands of dollars on three mold specialist companies, and they found no problem.
So, he asked me to bring over my strange-looking apparatus which I built to test for mold years ago. I set it up at his home for one hour and then I took my unit back home (thinking that I was just wasting my time).
The mold detector indicated that he had mold present. I decided to throw the detector away, feeling like it was a piece of junk. I was extremely disappointed because the professionals told him that there was no mold in his house and my detector indicated that there was mold.
He immediately said,” I trust your detector, this house is making us sick.” I will call you back in a few hours. Don’t throw your detector away. He called me back 45 minutes later. He said that he tore down several of his walls and found a lot of mold.
I was shocked. So, I made my mold detector part of my lab setup.
So that is the story of the blue filter mold detector.
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Interoperable Communication Emergency Response Technology Used During Earthquakes
My Interoperable Communication design is part of the Emergency Response technology that is used during Earthquakes, Hurricanes, Tornados, forest fires, flooding, and other non-natural Disasters. Millions of lives have been saved by this technology, a true Blessing!
This Article talks about how vital technology is. It was the source of communication when Cell phones and Landlines went down during the Boston Marathon Bombing for 90 minutes (The Cellphone and Landline Networks were overwhelmed with calls and shut down). So Interoperable communications did its job for ambulances, Firefighters, Police, FBI, CIA, and other emergency response communication. This article explains what happened on that sad day in Boston.
The term “interoperable communications” means the ability of emergency response providers and relevant Federal, State, and local government agencies to communicate with each other as necessary, through a dedicated public safety network utilizing information technology systems and radio communications systems, and to exchange voice, data, and video with one another on demand, in real-time, as necessary.
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